guide How to Add a Promotion on LinkedIn

How to Add a Promotion on LinkedIn Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated with your latest achievements is crucial for maintaining a professional online presence. Adding a promotion to your LinkedIn profile not only showcases your career progress but also keeps your network informed of your new roles and responsibilities. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to effectively add a promotion on LinkedIn.

Table of contents

Why Adding a Promotion on LinkedIn Matters

Why Adding a Promotion on LinkedIn Matters Updating your LinkedIn profile with a promotion:

  • Highlights Career Growth: Showcases your career advancements and achievements.
  • Enhances Professional Visibility: Keeps your network informed and engaged with your professional journey.
  • Attracts Opportunities: Opens doors for new connections, job offers, and collaborations.

Steps to Add a Promotion on LinkedIn

Adding a Promotion Within the Same Company

If you’ve been promoted within the same company, follow these steps:

  • Go to Your LinkedIn Profile: Navigate to your profile page.
  • Update Existing Position: Find your current role under the Experience section and click the pencil icon to edit.
  • Adjust Job Title and Dates: Update your job title and end date for the previous role. If prompted, add the new position with its start date.
  • Describe New Responsibilities: Include details of your new responsibilities and achievements.
  • Save Changes: Click ‘Save’ to update your profile.

Adding a New Position for a Significant Promotion

For a more substantial promotion or a new company:

  • Navigate to Experience Section: Click on "+ Add position."
  • Enter New Role Details: Fill in the company, title, location, and time period of your new role.
  • Describe Achievements: Add a description of your new responsibilities and key accomplishments.
  • Share with Network: Decide whether to notify your network about the update.
  • Save Position: Click ‘Save’ to add the new role.

Enhancing Your LinkedIn Promotion

Optimize Your Profile

  • Update Your Headline: Reflect on your new role in your headline, including relevant skills.
  • Add Skills and Endorsements: Update the Skills section and request endorsements.
  • Seek Recommendations: Ask colleagues for recommendations that highlight your new role.

Use LinkedIn Features

  • Tag Relevant Contacts: Tag colleagues or companies to increase visibility.
  • Utilize Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to improve discoverability.
  • Link to Projects: Include links to relevant projects or achievements.

How Web Scraping Tools Can Assist

Web scraping tools, like those offered by MrScraper, can support your LinkedIn strategy by:

  • Monitoring Competitor Promotions: Track how competitors update their profiles and promotions.
  • Gathering Insights: Collect data on trends and best practices for profile updates.
  • Enhancing Outreach: Automate and analyze LinkedIn data for more effective networking.


Updating your LinkedIn profile with a promotion is an essential step in reflecting your professional growth. By following these steps and utilizing LinkedIn’s features, you can effectively showcase your achievements. For additional LinkedIn tips, check out our previous blog, “How to Easily Find and Use LinkedIn URLs on the Mobile App.” Visit MrScraper to explore how our web scraping tools can enhance your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

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Questions? Ask our team via live chat 24/5 or just poke us on our official Twitter or our founder. We’re always happy to help.

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John Madrak

Founder, Waddling Technology

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John Madrak

Founder, Waddling Technology

We're able to quickly and painlessly create automated
scrapers across a variety of sites without worrying about
getting blocked (loading JS, rotating proxies, etc.),
scheduling, or scaling up when we want more data
- all we need to do is open the site that we want to
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extract, and MrScraper takes care of the rest! Plus, since
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we're extracting it's quite cheap in comparison to most
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MrScraper if you want to take the complexity
out of scraping.


Kim Moser

Computer consultant

Now that I've finally set-up and tested my first scraper,
I'm really impressed. It was much easier to set up than I
would have guessed, and specifying a selector made it
dead simple. Results worked out of the box, on a site
that is super touch about being scraped.



MrScraper User

I actually never expected us to be making this many
requests per month but MrScraper is so easy that we've
been increasing the amount of data we're collecting -
I have a few more scrapers that I need to add soon.
You're truly building a great product.




If you're needing a webscaper, for your latest project,
you can't go far wrong with MrScraper. Really clean,
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Free option, for small jobs. Subscriptions for
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