Stack Overflow Scraper

Stack Overflow Scraper

Extract questions, answers, tags, user profiles, and other insights from Stack Overflow with a web scraper. Learn what data can be collected, its use cases, and the legal considerations for ethical scraping.

What is a Stack Overflow Scraper?

A Stack Overflow Scraper is a web scraping tool designed to extract valuable information from Stack Overflow, one of the largest Q&A platforms for developers. This tool helps users gather questions, answers, user details, tags, and other data for research, trend analysis, or knowledge base development.

What Data Can Be Scraped Using Stack Overflow Scraper?

A Stack Overflow scraper can collect a variety of useful data, including:

  • Questions and Titles – Extract programming-related questions and their titles.
  • Answers – Retrieve responses and solutions provided by the community.
  • Tags – Identify relevant programming topics and categories.
  • User Profiles – Collect contributor details, including usernames, reputation scores, and profile links.
  • Votes and Views – Capture engagement metrics like upvotes, views, and answer counts.
  • Time Stamps – Record when questions were asked or answered.

This data can be used for market research, competitive analysis, or building AI-powered coding assistants.

How It Works?

Getting started with Stack Overflow Scraper is simple and user-friendly. Just follow these steps:

  1. Create Your Account: Sign up or log in to your account on MrScraper. It’s quick, easy, and free to get started.

  2. Initiate Scraping: Select “New ScrapeGPT” on the homepage and paste the Stack Overflow URL of the page you wish to scrape.

  3. Process the Page: Let ScrapeGPT process the selected page. The tool will analyze the page to identify and extract relevant data.

  4. Enter a Prompt: Type in your prompt, such as “Get all the data”, and ScrapeGPT will handle the rest seamlessly.

  5. Download Your Data: Once the scraping is complete, download the data in your preferred format—JSON or CSV—for easy analysis and integration into your workflow.

Input Url

Sample Output

The data extracted can be provided in JSON and CSV formats, ensuring compatibility with your workflow. For example:

Sample Output (JSON)

        "title": "ionic 7 with firebase on android fails to connect with firestore",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["android", "firebase", "ionic-framework", "google-cloud-firestore", "capacitor"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Moblize IT",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1328
        "asked_time": "2 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 4
        "title": "Assigning permissions to a custom role in Azure",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["azure", "azure-functions", "azure-rbac"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Andrew Duffy",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 583
        "asked_time": "5 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 1,
        "views": 5
        "title": "[[noreturn]] attribute on friend functios",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["c++", "c++17", "noreturn"],
        "user": {
            "name": "ComicSansMS",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 54700
        "asked_time": "10 mins ago",
        "votes": 1,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 8
        "title": "Apply std::set_difference to the keys of two std::maps which each have differing value-types",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["c++", "set", "std", "c++20"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Steven",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 710
        "asked_time": "10 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 9
        "title": "Next.js dynamic import with unknown variable",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["javascript", "reactjs", "typescript", "next.js"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Eduardo ProcĂłpio Gomez",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 208
        "asked_time": "11 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 3
        "title": "How do we balance the trade-off between AI model transparency and performance in critical applications?",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["algorithm", "machine-learning", "network-programming", "artificial-life", "recurrent"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Netsuhwork",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "15 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 9
        "title": "How can I wait for any one thread out of several to finish?",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["python", "multithreading"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Edward Falk",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 10100
        "asked_time": "15 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 3
        "title": "I'm facing an issue when trying to create a session with Appium using the AndroidDriver. The error message I'm encountering is:",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["java", "selenium-webdriver", "session", "http-status-code-404"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Syed Affan Afzal",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "17 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 2
        "title": "Why running an ElementWise pymoo Problem with a PyTorch model for evaluation works on Windows but not Linux?",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["linux", "pytorch", "parallel-processing", "multiprocessing", "pymoo"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Matthew Rajan",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "17 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 3
        "title": "Problem using @XmlJavaTypeAdapter to marshall a Instant attribute",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["java", "xml", "serialization", "bind"],
        "user": {
            "name": "VitorBionic",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "19 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 8
        "title": "I am trying to copy an Azure Managed VM Image from one region to another using the Azure Java SDK to enable VM deployment across multiple regions",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["java", "spring-boot", "azure", "cloud", "azure-sdk-for-java"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Ashutosh Kumar",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "19 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 3
        "title": "Published Blazor Hybrid project missing staticwebassets.runtime.json",
        "link": "",
        "tags": [".net", "wpf", "", "blazor-hybrid"],
        "user": {
            "name": "yanxliu",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "19 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 9
        "title": "HOWTO Set date type field using Selenium (Python)",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["python", "date", "selenium-webdriver"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Ayotunde Itayemi",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "20 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 4
        "title": "while run build i am getting this error Export encountered an error on /page: /, exiting the build. ⨯ Static worker exited with code: 1 and signal: n",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["reactjs", "node.js", "internationalization", "metadata"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Trending Song",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "21 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 9
        "title": "{"status":"FAIL","code":"400002","errorMessage":"Signature for this request is not valid."} for endpoint binancepay/openapi/v2/order/query",
        "link": "",
        "tags": ["binance"],
        "user": {
            "name": "Akash",
            "profile_link": "",
            "reputation": 1
        "asked_time": "21 mins ago",
        "votes": 0,
        "answers": 0,
        "views": 1

Sample Output (CSV)

Title Tags User Asked Time Votes Answers Views Link
Ionic 7 with Firebase on Android fails to connect with Firestore android, firebase, ionic-framework, google-cloud-firestore, capacitor Moblize IT (1328) 2 mins ago 0 0 4 Link
Assigning permissions to a custom role in Azure azure, azure-functions, azure-rbac Andrew Duffy (583) 5 mins ago 0 1 5 Link
[[noreturn]] attribute on friend functions c++, c++17, noreturn ComicSansMS (54700) 10 mins ago 1 0 8 Link
Apply std::set_difference to the keys of two std::maps which each have differing value-types c++, set, std, c++20 Steven (710) 10 mins ago 0 0 9 Link
Next.js dynamic import with unknown variable javascript, reactjs, typescript, next.js Eduardo ProcĂłpio Gomez (208) 11 mins ago 0 0 3 Link
How do we balance the trade-off between AI model transparency and performance in critical applications? algorithm, machine-learning, network-programming, artificial-life, recurrent Netsuhwork (1) 15 mins ago 0 0 9 Link
How can I wait for any one thread out of several to finish? python, multithreading Edward Falk (10100) 15 mins ago 0 0 3 Link
Issue creating session with Appium using AndroidDriver java, selenium-webdriver, session, http-status-code-404 Syed Affan Afzal (1) 17 mins ago 0 0 2 Link
Why running an ElementWise pymoo Problem with a PyTorch model works on Windows but not Linux? linux, pytorch, parallel-processing, multiprocessing, pymoo Matthew Rajan (1) 17 mins ago 0 0 3 Link
Problem using @XmlJavaTypeAdapter to marshall an Instant attribute java, xml, serialization, bind VitorBionic (1) 19 mins ago 0 0 8 Link

Is It Legal to Scrape Data from Stack Overflow?

Scraping data from Stack Overflow falls under legal and ethical considerations. The platform’s terms of service and API guidelines should be reviewed before extracting data. Stack Overflow offers an official API that allows controlled access to public data, which is a recommended approach to avoid violating terms of use. Ethical scraping practices, such as respecting robots.txt and rate limiting, should always be followed.


A Stack Overflow Scraper is a powerful tool for gathering programming insights, tracking trending technologies, and analyzing developer discussions. However, users must ensure they comply with legal and ethical guidelines when scraping data from Stack Overflow. Using official APIs or responsible scraping techniques will help maximize benefits while minimizing risks.

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What people think about scraper icon scraper

Net in hero

The mission to make data accessible to everyone is truly inspiring. With MrScraper, data scraping and automation are now easier than ever, giving users of all skill levels the ability to access valuable data. The AI-powered no-code tool simplifies the process, allowing you to extract data without needing technical skills. Plus, the integration with APIs and Zapier makes automation smooth and efficient, from data extraction to delivery.

I'm excited to see how MrScraper will change data access, making it simpler for businesses, researchers, and developers to unlock the full potential of their data. This tool can transform how we use data, saving time and resources while providing deeper insights.


Adnan Sher

Product Hunt user

This tool sounds fantastic! The white glove service being offered to everyone is incredibly generous. It's great to see such customer-focused support.


Harper Perez

Product Hunt user

MrScraper is a tool that helps you collect information from websites quickly and easily. Instead of fighting annoying captchas, MrScraper does the work for you. It can grab lots of data at once, saving you time and effort.


Jayesh Gohel

Product Hunt user

Now that I've set up and tested my first scraper, I'm really impressed. It was much easier than expected, and results worked out of the box, even on sites that are tough to scrape!

Kim Moser

Kim Moser

Computer consultant

MrScraper sounds like an incredibly useful tool for anyone looking to gather data at scale without the frustration of captcha blockers. The ability to get and scrape any data you need efficiently and effectively is a game-changer.


Nicola Lanzillot

Product Hunt user


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